
2016年6月7日—Donotstage,butstashthechanges.Youcanthenlaterapplythemagaintoyourworkingcopy:gitstashgitcheckout-burgent-issuegitcommitgitcheckout- ...,Thegitstashcommandtakesyouruncommittedchanges(bothstagedandunstaged),savesthemawayforlateruse,andthenrevertsthemfromyourworkingcopy.,2013年2月7日—Rungitstash--keep-index.ThiscommandwillcreateastashwithALLofyourchanges(stagedandunstaged),butwilllea...

Git keep staged changes

2016年6月7日 — Do not stage, but stash the changes. You can then later apply them again to your working copy: git stash git checkout -b urgent-issue git commit git checkout - ...

git stash

The git stash command takes your uncommitted changes (both staged and unstaged), saves them away for later use, and then reverts them from your working copy.

How to stash only staged changes in Git?

2013年2月7日 — Run git stash --keep-index . This command will create a stash with ALL of your changes (staged and unstaged), but will leave the staged changes ...


With a Git repository, when you stash your changes and check the box that says Keep staged changes, the local changes are discarded, even though the ...

Stashing and Cleaning

Stashing takes the dirty state of your working directory — that is, your modified tracked files and staged changes — and saves it on a stack of unfinished ...

Stashing only unstaged changes in Git

2022年10月12日 — Keeps the staged changes: nice. Stashes unstaged and staged changes ... Optionally use --soft to keep the changes in the staging area.

Stashing Your Staged Changes in Visual Studio

2023年2月13日 — To stash your changes, open up the 'Git Changes' tab. If you cannot see the 'Git Changes' tab then click View > Git Changes. Here you will find a list of all ...

The Git Stash Functionality in Visual Studio 2019

2019年4月10日 — If you want to keep the changes in the branch that you have already staged for a commit, you select “Stash All and Keep Staged”. But in my ...


先不管心情好不好,既然老闆都開口了,為了生活只好暫時先乖乖聽話,先把手邊的進度放旁邊… 那就先Commit 目前的進度吧! 簡單的做法,也是我常會做的做法,就是先不管那麼 ...

編輯到一半突然有其他事情插進來要先做,該怎麼辦?談git stash

在GIT 的環境裡,裡頭假設現在原始碼編輯到一半突然有其他事情必須要先處理,而目前已經編輯到一半的原始碼內容又不想要還原,想保留下來,這時候就可以使用 git stash 指令。